Inventive minds
I have two picture books to recommend that feature the
inventive mind.
First is Awesome Dawson by Chris
Gall. This is a humourous look at what
happens when the inventive spirit gets out of hand.
Dawson loves to build things from left over and broken bits
of stuff that he finds around his house and neighbourhood. The message: everything can be reused. Unfortunately, his huge collection of found
objects means he can’t always find things when he wants and his busy building
schedule prevents him from doing his chores.
But this inventor decides that a chore-doing robot is just the ticket to
take care of both of these problems. “Stupendous!”
as Dawson would say. With cat food for
brains, the robot starts to get out of control, sucking up everything in its
path and growing bigger and bigger. But
resourceful Dawson figures out a solution for this problem, too. It all ends happily.

There is an interesting afterword that outlines the attempts
of Lodner Phillips to build a submarine in the mid. Apparently, not much has been written about
Phillips, but the author does include the few sources for her story.
Both stories include elements of humour that are reinforced
with the illustrations.
I recommend both of these for early elementary grades when
looking for curriculum ties about science, building things, creative thinking
and repurposing stuff to make new stuff.
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