Last week I fessed up to loving mysteries.
So here’s a bit of a roundup of books that are mysteries or
have a wonderful dose of mysterious elements without being full blown
one will appeal to the younger elementary grades with lots of silliness to keep
them giggling. We have a very keen
foursome of chicks and one wry dog to find out what happened to their client’s,
the titular ‘weird blue chicken’, birdhouse. The formatting for this chapter
books will help counter its length for young readers with large print, illustrations and lots
of white space. Recommended for grades 1-3.
one is the most recent publication by Selznick once again employing his brilliant
combination of text and pictorial narratives.
Don’t be daunted by the size of the book as the first 400 pages fly
by. This part of the story is told
through illustrations about a shipwrecked boy in the 1700s who is rescued and
becomes attached to a theatre in London. His story connects to a family of
actors and their trials and tribulations over the years. Part two is a
contemporary story of a runaway boy trying to track down an unknown uncle. The
uncle lives in a very odd house that seems inhabited by people from days-long-gone-by. Lots of questions but with answers that are
slowly revealed to us. Both mystery and
mysterious elements will hold you to the end. Terrific read for grades 4-6.

late to the party on this series but am glad that I did eventually get to it. I
listened to the audio-book version of this title and thought it very well
done. IT has a bit of a gothic feel with
a young nanny employed by a mysterious lord to look after his wards in a
country mansion. The three children have been raised by wolves with no clues as
to who their parents were or how they came to live in the forest connected to
the mansion. Who are they? And what is
their connection to the nanny?
Lots of very humorous bits. Recommended for grades 4-8.

Another good read for upper
elementary grades. This one has lots of mysterious elements peppered throughout
the story. Micah is desperately worried
about his very sick grandfather who he lives with but is hopeful that the
mysterious Lightbender from the Circus Mirandus will be able to offer a
cure. The thing is, the Circus Mirandus
isn’t your everyday circus and is only accessible to those who believe in
magic. The Lightbender is someone the grandfather had met while a little
boy. How can that be? A gripping story
about illusions, faith, and acceptance of the inevitable. Recommended for
grades 4-6.

one is mostly about growing up and finding were you fit in as relationships are
redefined. Three girlfriends work to keep
their friendship strong and develop new relationships as they start grade
7. The writing and characters are
beautifully done (typical of Stead’s books) but there is a secondary story that
is woven between that of the girls’, of an unknown person who also is
struggling with friendships and making good decisions. Who is this person? What has she/he done? Not a real ‘mystery’ as
such but again with mysterious elements to keep you guessing. Recommended for
grades 6-9.

her best friend in grade 5 in a terrible accident has not be easy to get over
for May and years after the event, she still suffers the loss. But the image of a cartoon princess wielding
a katana-sword and looking very much like the comic book character the two
girls developed for themselves begins appearing in random places around
Seattle. May is convinced that this is a
message to her from Libby. Lots of
mystery and action here to keep readers engaged. Recommended for grades 7 and up.

A short,
story-in-verse novel about Walker dealing with the death of his eldest
brother. To help him process his grief,
Jesus (yes, that Jesus) shows up to help him deal with the pain. I love the
characterization developed for Jesus as an understanding, compassionate man who
really digs his red trainers. The interaction
between Walker and Jesus is pretty fun (is this for real? How come He’s here?
If He’s here why can’t he fix things? etc.) and keeps the pain of grief from
becoming too much. I would recommend this one for grades 9 and up.

A fun
coincidence about this book; I recently came a across a series of adult
mysteries with many similar features to this young adult novel. An interesting combination of detective work,
mystery and the paranormal. It’s the 1800’s and young Abigail Rook arrives in
America somewhat on the lam from her parents, looking for a life of adventure.
Enter R.F. Jackaby, a Sherlockian-type detective with the unusual aptitude for
recognizing elements of the supernatural in a local crime spree. Lots of action
and unusual characters to keep readers entertained. Oh, and if this appeals to
you check out the Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch for a contemporary twist. Apparently, London is rife with paranormal
activity whatever the era.