Curriculum connections
From There to Here by Laurel Croza and Matt James is a
terrific picture book that would pair perfectly with the Alberta curriculum for
the grade 2 social studies unit about communities. It’s the sequel to I Know Here that
also fits well with this curriculum topic.
In both books, our protagonist is an observant little girl
who looks at the community where she lives.

In the second book, From There to Here she’s
learning about this place and making comparisons between her last home and this new
one. There are many differences: her
father doesn't come home for lunch, everyone locks their doors, the roads are
paved and there are few trees. When living in Saskatchewan all the children
played and hung out together doing the same thing because there were so few
of them. In Toronto, the protagonist’s
brother is off with his friends to some kind of exhibition which she’s too
young to attend. Though all these
differences are noted and let us know how discombobulated the little girl is,
it’s when there’s a knock on the door and new-friend-to-be-made, Anne, is there waiting, that we know that life will
be okay.
I did think that the first book’s description of the little
rural community very evocative and could feel the girl’s pain about leaving
this place behind. The description of
Toronto is less suggestive of what it’s like as its being compared to what was
left behind. The illustrations give us a
better look at this neighborhood in the big city. The second book is about the differences
between the two communities but also about resiliency and adjusting to new
situations. A new friend will be a big
part of this little girl’s new life in Toronto.
A word about the illustrations – wonderful. Very childlike drawings and fanciful use of
colour help convey different feelings between the two locations.
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