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Another sign that winter is over is the return of free audio books from SYNC: Audiobooks for Teens.
Though it promotes itself as a summer program, the start up date is this week, Thursday, April 26th. And, let's face it people, most of us are sick to death of winter and an 'early' start to summer is more than welcomed.
The deal with SYNC is to download two paired audio books based on a theme each week starting this Thursday until July 25th, 2018. You get a week to download the books and then get to keep them - forever! Such a deal!
Sign up by going to the homepage and entering your email address or texting syncYA 25827 to receive title alerts each week.
First up are The Great War by various authors (including David Almond, John Boyne and Tracey Chevalier and A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro. (Both available in the Doucette Library, in case you want to read along.)

Click on this page to see this season's line up.
Happy listening, Everyone.
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