Summertime reading pile – Update #2, nonfiction
I’ve been a reading-mad-woman and enjoying every minute of it. Unfortunately, the pile doesn’t appear to be shrinking. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
Picture books – Nonfiction
An eye for color: the story of Josef Albers by Natasha Wing, grades 3-6, wonderful way to introduce color theory, how colors interact with each and the man behind this work.
Tarra and Bella: the elephant and dog who became best friends by Carol Buckles, grades 3-6, beautiful, tender relationship between an elephant and stray dog. These books always get me teary eyed but at least no one dies in this one!
Nonfiction – high levels
Anne Frank: her life in words and pictures from the archives of the Anne Frank House by Menno Metselaar, grade 5 and up, Just when you think “what more is there to know?” this book comes along that makes Anne into a real person (at least for me) with a thoughtful blend of commentary, additional extracts from her diary and photos.
Besa: Muslims who saved Jews in World War II by Norman H. Gershman, high school/adult, short, straight-up accounts by Albanian Muslims who help numerous Jews escape and survive Nazi persecution.
Hive detectives: chronicle of a honey bee catastrophe by Loree Griffin Burns, grades 5-9, nonfiction at its best as research seeks to find out what is killing huge numbers of honey bees, important part of food production.
Look! Seeing the light in art by Gillian Wolfe, grades 3-7, just love how the quality of light is discussed with each selection.
Join Nonfiction Monday Roundup by clicking on the box below to go to 5 Great Books blog and see a list of recent blogs dedicated to highlighting nonfiction resources.

Join Nonfiction Monday Roundup by clicking on the box below to go to 5 Great Books blog and see a list of recent blogs dedicated to highlighting nonfiction resources.

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